I will be continuously adding on to this as time goes on and as I remember things and also the time to add it in.

In the beginning:

Was born in Coffee County, Tennessee in October of 1956, that’s right, I’m a Libra, I try to balance all things out.

At seven and a half months I was able to skate, but yet not able to walk, therefore making me the world’s youngest roller skater.

It was celebrated by Pepsi Cola who promoted me as the world’s youngest Pepsi Cola drinker at one month old. My doctor while I was a baby wasn’t to happy with that.

In the 1990’s I decided to do some racing at the local race track, Langley Speedway, was going to racer in a new division they had created, called Super Mini-Trucks, so we built one and then came to find out we would only race a total of only 7 races for the year, I decided that I wanted more, so we sold the truck and got a Late Model instead, wasn’t the fastest on the straightaway but was in the corners! Raced it from 1992 to 1998 and enjoyed it the whole time, was a part of my life I hope to never forget.

In November 2011 my wife had a massive stroke and lost the use of her right side and had issues with speech, she had lots of help to get her headed back on the road to recovery, little did I know was that the doctors didn’t think she would last to long, but with my friends help and my never ending pushing at her she lasted till 12/30/17. She is now able to spend time with her parents and other relatives that are no longer on this earth, I know one day I will be with her again.